
This module provides functions for retrieving student information from the Librus system, parsing it, and formatting it into a structured representation.

Classes: - StudentInformation: Represents student information with attributes such as name, class name, student number, etc.

Functions: - get_student_information: Retrieves student information from Librus.


from librus_apix.client import new_client

# Create a new client instance
client = new_client()
client.get_token(username, password)

# Fetch student information
student_info = get_student_information(client)
  2This module provides functions for retrieving student information from the Librus system, parsing it, and formatting it into a structured representation.
  5    - StudentInformation: Represents student information with attributes such as name, class name, student number, etc.
  8    - get_student_information: Retrieves student information from Librus.
 11    ```python
 12    from librus_apix.client import new_client
 14    # Create a new client instance
 15    client = new_client()
 16    client.get_token(username, password)
 18    # Fetch student information
 19    student_info = get_student_information(client)
 20    print(
 21    print(student_info.class_name)
 22    print(student_info.number)
 23    print(student_info.tutor)
 24    print(
 25    print(student_info.lucky_number)
 26    ```
 29from typing import Union
 30from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 31from dataclasses import dataclass
 32from librus_apix.exceptions import ParseError
 33from librus_apix.helpers import no_access_check
 34from librus_apix.client import Client
 38class StudentInformation:
 39    """
 40    Represents student information.
 42    Attributes:
 43        name (str): The name of the student.
 44        class_name (str): The class name of the student.
 45        number (int): The student number.
 46        tutor (str): The tutor of the student.
 47        school (str): The school of the student.
 48        lucky_number (Union[int, str]): The lucky number of the student, if available.
 49    """
 51    name: str
 52    class_name: str
 53    number: int
 54    tutor: str
 55    school: str
 56    lucky_number: Union[int, str]
 59def get_student_information(client: Client):
 60    """
 61    Retrieves student information from librus.
 63    Args:
 64        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
 66    Returns:
 67        StudentInformation: An object containing the student's information.
 69    Raises:
 70        ParseError: If there is an error while parsing or retrieving student information.
 71    """
 72    soup = no_access_check(
 73        BeautifulSoup(
 74            client.get(client.INFO_URL).text,
 75            "lxml",
 76        )
 77    )
 78    try:
 79        lucky_number = soup.select_one("span.luckyNumber > b")
 80        if lucky_number is None:
 81            lucky_number = "?"
 82        else:
 83            lucky_number = int(lucky_number.text)
 84    except ValueError:
 85        lucky_number = "?"
 87    table = soup.select_one(" > tbody")
 88    if table is None:
 89        raise ParseError("Error while parsing student information table")
 90    lines = table.find_all("tr", attrs={"class": ["line0", "line1"]})[:5]
 91    data = [val.select_one("td").text.strip() for val in lines]
 92    if len(data) < 5:
 93        raise ParseError("Error while retrieving student information")
 94    name, class_name, number, tutor, school = data[:5]
 95    return StudentInformation(
 96        name,
 97        class_name,
 98        int(number),
 99        tutor,
100        "\n".join([n.strip() for n in school.split("\n")]),
101        lucky_number,
102    )
class StudentInformation:
39class StudentInformation:
40    """
41    Represents student information.
43    Attributes:
44        name (str): The name of the student.
45        class_name (str): The class name of the student.
46        number (int): The student number.
47        tutor (str): The tutor of the student.
48        school (str): The school of the student.
49        lucky_number (Union[int, str]): The lucky number of the student, if available.
50    """
52    name: str
53    class_name: str
54    number: int
55    tutor: str
56    school: str
57    lucky_number: Union[int, str]

Represents student information.

Attributes: name (str): The name of the student. class_name (str): The class name of the student. number (int): The student number. tutor (str): The tutor of the student. school (str): The school of the student. lucky_number (Union[int, str]): The lucky number of the student, if available.

StudentInformation( name: str, class_name: str, number: int, tutor: str, school: str, lucky_number: Union[int, str])
name: str
class_name: str
number: int
tutor: str
school: str
lucky_number: Union[int, str]
def get_student_information(client: librus_apix.client.Client):
 60def get_student_information(client: Client):
 61    """
 62    Retrieves student information from librus.
 64    Args:
 65        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
 67    Returns:
 68        StudentInformation: An object containing the student's information.
 70    Raises:
 71        ParseError: If there is an error while parsing or retrieving student information.
 72    """
 73    soup = no_access_check(
 74        BeautifulSoup(
 75            client.get(client.INFO_URL).text,
 76            "lxml",
 77        )
 78    )
 79    try:
 80        lucky_number = soup.select_one("span.luckyNumber > b")
 81        if lucky_number is None:
 82            lucky_number = "?"
 83        else:
 84            lucky_number = int(lucky_number.text)
 85    except ValueError:
 86        lucky_number = "?"
 88    table = soup.select_one(" > tbody")
 89    if table is None:
 90        raise ParseError("Error while parsing student information table")
 91    lines = table.find_all("tr", attrs={"class": ["line0", "line1"]})[:5]
 92    data = [val.select_one("td").text.strip() for val in lines]
 93    if len(data) < 5:
 94        raise ParseError("Error while retrieving student information")
 95    name, class_name, number, tutor, school = data[:5]
 96    return StudentInformation(
 97        name,
 98        class_name,
 99        int(number),
100        tutor,
101        "\n".join([n.strip() for n in school.split("\n")]),
102        lucky_number,
103    )

Retrieves student information from librus.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.

Returns: StudentInformation: An object containing the student's information.

Raises: ParseError: If there is an error while parsing or retrieving student information.