
This module provides functions for interacting with messages in the Librus messaging system, including sending, retrieving, and parsing messages.

Classes: - Message: Represents a message with details like author, title, date, etc. - MessageData: Represents the data of a message content.

Functions: - recipient_groups: Retrieves the list of recipient groups available for sending messages. - get_recipients: Retrieves the recipients belonging to a specific group. - send_message: Sends a message to selected recipients. - message_content: Retrieves the content of a message. - get_max_page_number: Retrieves the maximum page number of messages. - get_received: Retrieves received messages from a specific page. - get_sent: Retrieves sent messages from a specific page.


    from librus_apix.client import new_client

    # Create a new client instance
    client = new_client()
    client.get_token(username, password)

    # Retrieve recipient groups and recipients
    groups = recipient_groups(client)
    recipients = get_recipients(client, groups[0])

    # Send a message
    title = "Test Message"
    content = "This is a test message."
    recipient_ids = list(recipients.values())
    success, result_message = send_message(client, title, content, recipient_ids)

    # Get received/sent messages
    messages = get_sent(client, page=1)
    messages = get_received(client, page=1)
    # Retrieve content of a message
    for message in messages:
        content = message_content(client, message.href)
  2This module provides functions for interacting with messages in the Librus messaging system, including sending, retrieving, and parsing messages.
  5    - Message: Represents a message with details like author, title, date, etc.
  6    - MessageData: Represents the data of a message content.
  9    - recipient_groups: Retrieves the list of recipient groups available for sending messages.
 10    - get_recipients: Retrieves the recipients belonging to a specific group.
 11    - send_message: Sends a message to selected recipients.
 12    - message_content: Retrieves the content of a message.
 13    - get_max_page_number: Retrieves the maximum page number of messages.
 14    - get_received: Retrieves received messages from a specific page.
 15    - get_sent: Retrieves sent messages from a specific page.
 18    ```py
 20        from librus_apix.client import new_client
 22        # Create a new client instance
 23        client = new_client()
 24        client.get_token(username, password)
 26        # Retrieve recipient groups and recipients
 27        groups = recipient_groups(client)
 28        recipients = get_recipients(client, groups[0])
 30        # Send a message
 31        title = "Test Message"
 32        content = "This is a test message."
 33        recipient_ids = list(recipients.values())
 34        success, result_message = send_message(client, title, content, recipient_ids)
 36        # Get received/sent messages
 37        messages = get_sent(client, page=1)
 38        messages = get_received(client, page=1)
 39        ...
 40        # Retrieve content of a message
 41        for message in messages:
 42            content = message_content(client, message.href)
 43            ...
 44    ```
 47from typing import List, Tuple
 48from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag
 49from librus_apix.client import Client
 50from librus_apix.exceptions import ParseError
 51from librus_apix.helpers import no_access_check
 52from dataclasses import dataclass
 53import re
 57class MessageData:
 58    """
 59    Represents the data of a message content.
 61    Attributes:
 62        author (str): The author of the message.
 63        title (str): The title of the message.
 64        content (str): The content of the message.
 65        date (str): The date when the message was sent.
 66    """
 68    author: str
 69    title: str
 70    content: str
 71    date: str
 75class Message:
 76    """
 77    Represents a message.
 79    Attributes:
 80        author (str): The author of the message.
 81        title (str): The title of the message.
 82        date (str): The date when the message was sent.
 83        href (str): The URL reference to the message.
 84        unread (bool): Indicates if the message is unread.
 85        has_attachment (bool): Indicates if the message has attachments.
 86    """
 88    author: str
 89    title: str
 90    date: str
 91    href: str
 92    unread: bool
 93    has_attachment: bool
 96def recipient_groups(client: Client) -> List[str]:
 97    """
 98    Retrieves the list of recipient groups available for sending messages.
100    Args:
101        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
103    Returns:
104        List[str]: A list of recipient group identifiers.
105    """
106    soup = no_access_check(
107        BeautifulSoup(client.get(client.RECIPIENT_GROUPS_URL).text, "lxml")
108    )
109    groups = []
110    trs ="table.message-recipients > tbody > tr")
111    for tr in trs:
112        radio = tr.select_one("input.recipiantTypeRadio")
113        if radio is None:
114            raise ParseError("Error getting groups (radio)")
115        groups.append(radio.attrs.get("value", ""))
116    return groups
119def get_recipients(client: Client, group: str):
120    """
121    Retrieves the recipients belonging to a specific group.
123    Args:
124        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
125        group (str): The identifier of the recipient group.
127    Returns:
128        dict: A dictionary mapping teacher names to their IDs.
129    """
130    payload = {
131        "typAdresata": group,
132        "poprzednia": "5",
133        "tabZaznaczonych": "",
134        "czyWirtualneKlasy": False,
135        "idGrupy": "0",
136    }
137    soup = no_access_check(
138        BeautifulSoup(, data=payload).text, "lxml")
139    )
140    labels ="label")
141    teachers = {}
142    for label in labels:
143        teachers[label.text.replace("\xa0", "")] = label.attrs.get("for", "_").split(
144            "_"
145        )[-1]
146    return teachers
149def send_message(
150    client: Client,
151    title: str,
152    content: str,
153    recipient_ids: list[str],
154) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
155    """
156    Sends a message to selected recipients.
158    Args:
159        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
160        title (str): The title of the message.
161        content (str): The content of the message.
162        recipient_ids (list[str]): The list of recipient IDs.
164    Returns:
165        Tuple[bool, str]: A tuple indicating whether the message was sent successfully
166        and the result message.
167    """
168    payload = {
169        "filtrUzytkownikow": "0",
170        "idPojemnika": "",
171        "DoKogo": recipient_ids,
172        "Rodzaj": "0",
173        "temat": title,
174        "tresc": content,
175        "poprzednia": "5",
176        "fileStorageIdentifier": "",
177        "wyslij": "Wyślij",
178    }
179    sent_message = no_access_check(
180        BeautifulSoup(, data=payload).text, "lxml")
181    )
182    result = sent_message.select_one("div.container-background > p")
183    if result is None:
184        raise ParseError("Error getting the result of the message!")
185    result = result.text
186    if "nie zostala" in result:
187        return False, result
188    if sent_message.status_code == 200:
189        return True, result
190    return False, result
193def unwrap_message_data(tr: Tag) -> str:
194    value = tr.select_one("td[class='left']")
195    return value.text if value is not None else ""
198def message_content(client: Client, content_url: str) -> MessageData:
199    """
200    Retrieves the content of a message.
202    Args:
203        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
204        content_url (str): The URL of the message content.
206    Returns:
207        MessageData: An object containing the message details.
208    """
209    soup = no_access_check(
210        BeautifulSoup(client.get(client.MESSAGE_URL + "/" + content_url).text, "lxml")
211    )
212    message_data = soup.select_one("table[class='stretch']")
213    if message_data is None:
214        raise ParseError("Error in parsing message data.")
215    trs ="tr")
216    if len(trs) < 3:
217        raise ParseError("Not enough values to unpack from message_data")
218    author, title, date = trs[:3]
219    content = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "container-message-content"})
220    if content is None:
221        raise ParseError("Error in parsing message content.")
222    return MessageData(
223        unwrap_message_data(author),
224        unwrap_message_data(title),
225        content.text,
226        unwrap_message_data(date),
227    )
230def _sanitize_href(href: str) -> str:
231    if len(href) > 4:
232        return href.split("/")[4]
233    return ""
236def parse_sent(message_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Message]:
237    """
238    Parses sent messages from the message soup.
240    Args:
241        message_soup (BeautifulSoup): The BeautifulSoup object containing message data.
243    Returns:
244        List[Message]: A list of Message objects representing sent messages.
245    """
246    msgs: List[Message] = []
247    hasAttachment = False
248    soup = message_soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "decorated stretch"})
249    if soup is None:
250        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages.")
251    tbody = soup.find("tbody")
252    if not isinstance(tbody, Tag):
253        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages (tbody).")
254    tds = tbody.find_all("tr", attrs={"class": ["line0", "line1"]})
255    if tds[0].text.strip() == "Brak wiadomości":
256        return []
257    for td in tds:
258        hasAttachment = False
259        message_data: List[Tag] = td.find_all("td")
260        if len(message_data) < 7:
261            raise ParseError("Message data has less than 7 elements")
262        _tick, attachment, author, title, date, unread, _trash = message_data[:7]
263        if attachment.find("img"):
264            hasAttachment = True
265        unread = True if unread == "NIE" else False
266        author_a = author.find("a")
267        href = ""
268        if isinstance(author_a, Tag):
269            href = author_a.attrs.get("href", "")
270            href = _sanitize_href(href)
271        author = author.text
272        title = title.text
273        date = date.text
274        m = Message(author, title, date, href, unread, hasAttachment)
275        msgs.append(m)
276    return msgs
279def parse(message_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Message]:
280    """
281    Parses received messages from the message soup.
283    Args:
284        message_soup (BeautifulSoup): The BeautifulSoup object containing message data.
286    Returns:
287        List[Message]: A list of Message objects representing received messages.
288    """
289    msgs: List[Message] = []
290    hasAttachment = False
291    soup = message_soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "decorated stretch"})
292    if soup is None:
293        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages.")
294    tbody = soup.find("tbody")
295    if not isinstance(tbody, Tag):
296        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages (tbody).")
297    tds = tbody.find_all("tr", attrs={"class": ["line0", "line1"]})
298    if tds[0].text.strip() == "Brak wiadomości":
299        return []
300    for td in tds:
301        unread = False
302        hasAttachment = False
303        message_data: List[Tag] = td.find_all("td")
304        if len(message_data) < 6:
305            raise ParseError("Message data has less than 6 elements")
306        _tick, attachment, author, title, date, _trash = message_data[:6]
307        if attachment.find("img"):
308            hasAttachment = True
309        style = title.get("style")
310        if not isinstance(style, List) and not isinstance(style, str):
311            style = []
312        if "font-weight: bold" in style:
313            unread = True
315        author_a = author.find("a")
316        href = ""
317        if isinstance(author_a, Tag):
318            href = author_a.attrs.get("href", "")
319            href = _sanitize_href(href)
321        author = author.text
322        title = title.text
323        date = date.text
324        m = Message(author, title, date, href, unread, hasAttachment)
325        msgs.append(m)
326    return msgs
329def get_max_page_number(client: Client) -> int:
330    """
331    Retrieves the maximum page number of messages.
333    Args:
334        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
336    Returns:
337        int: The maximum page number.
338    """
339    soup = no_access_check(BeautifulSoup(client.get(client.MESSAGE_URL).text, "lxml"))
340    try:
341        pages = soup.select_one("div.pagination > span")
342        if not pages:
343            return 0
344        max_pages = pages.text.replace("\xa0", "")
345        max_pages_re ="z[0-9]*", max_pages)
346        if max_pages_re is None:
347            return 0
348        max_pages_number = int("z", ""))
349    except:
350        raise ParseError("Error while trying to get max page number.")
351    return max_pages_number - 1
354def get_received(client: Client, page: int) -> List[Message]:
355    """
356    Retrieves received messages from a specific page.
358    Args:
359        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
360        page (int): The page number of messages to retrieve.
362    Returns:
363        List[Message]: A list of received Message objects.
364    """
365    payload = {
366        "numer_strony105": page,
367        "porcjowanie_pojemnik105": "105",
368    }
369    response =, data=payload)
370    soup = no_access_check(BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml"))
371    received_msgs = parse(soup)
372    return received_msgs
375def get_sent(client: Client, page: int) -> List[Message]:
376    """
377    Retrieves sent messages from a specific page.
379    Args:
380        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
381        page (int): The page number of messages to retrieve.
383    Returns:
384        List[Message]: A list of sent Message objects.
385    """
386    payload = {
387        "numer_strony105": page,
388        "porcjowanie_pojemnik105": "105",
389    }
390    response =, data=payload)
391    soup = no_access_check(BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml"))
392    received_msgs = parse_sent(soup)
393    return received_msgs
class MessageData:
58class MessageData:
59    """
60    Represents the data of a message content.
62    Attributes:
63        author (str): The author of the message.
64        title (str): The title of the message.
65        content (str): The content of the message.
66        date (str): The date when the message was sent.
67    """
69    author: str
70    title: str
71    content: str
72    date: str

Represents the data of a message content.

Attributes: author (str): The author of the message. title (str): The title of the message. content (str): The content of the message. date (str): The date when the message was sent.

MessageData(author: str, title: str, content: str, date: str)
author: str
title: str
content: str
date: str
class Message:
76class Message:
77    """
78    Represents a message.
80    Attributes:
81        author (str): The author of the message.
82        title (str): The title of the message.
83        date (str): The date when the message was sent.
84        href (str): The URL reference to the message.
85        unread (bool): Indicates if the message is unread.
86        has_attachment (bool): Indicates if the message has attachments.
87    """
89    author: str
90    title: str
91    date: str
92    href: str
93    unread: bool
94    has_attachment: bool

Represents a message.

Attributes: author (str): The author of the message. title (str): The title of the message. date (str): The date when the message was sent. href (str): The URL reference to the message. unread (bool): Indicates if the message is unread. has_attachment (bool): Indicates if the message has attachments.

Message( author: str, title: str, date: str, href: str, unread: bool, has_attachment: bool)
author: str
title: str
date: str
href: str
unread: bool
has_attachment: bool
def recipient_groups(client: librus_apix.client.Client) -> List[str]:
 97def recipient_groups(client: Client) -> List[str]:
 98    """
 99    Retrieves the list of recipient groups available for sending messages.
101    Args:
102        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
104    Returns:
105        List[str]: A list of recipient group identifiers.
106    """
107    soup = no_access_check(
108        BeautifulSoup(client.get(client.RECIPIENT_GROUPS_URL).text, "lxml")
109    )
110    groups = []
111    trs ="table.message-recipients > tbody > tr")
112    for tr in trs:
113        radio = tr.select_one("input.recipiantTypeRadio")
114        if radio is None:
115            raise ParseError("Error getting groups (radio)")
116        groups.append(radio.attrs.get("value", ""))
117    return groups

Retrieves the list of recipient groups available for sending messages.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.

Returns: List[str]: A list of recipient group identifiers.

def get_recipients(client: librus_apix.client.Client, group: str):
120def get_recipients(client: Client, group: str):
121    """
122    Retrieves the recipients belonging to a specific group.
124    Args:
125        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
126        group (str): The identifier of the recipient group.
128    Returns:
129        dict: A dictionary mapping teacher names to their IDs.
130    """
131    payload = {
132        "typAdresata": group,
133        "poprzednia": "5",
134        "tabZaznaczonych": "",
135        "czyWirtualneKlasy": False,
136        "idGrupy": "0",
137    }
138    soup = no_access_check(
139        BeautifulSoup(, data=payload).text, "lxml")
140    )
141    labels ="label")
142    teachers = {}
143    for label in labels:
144        teachers[label.text.replace("\xa0", "")] = label.attrs.get("for", "_").split(
145            "_"
146        )[-1]
147    return teachers

Retrieves the recipients belonging to a specific group.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests. group (str): The identifier of the recipient group.

Returns: dict: A dictionary mapping teacher names to their IDs.

def send_message( client: librus_apix.client.Client, title: str, content: str, recipient_ids: list[str]) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
150def send_message(
151    client: Client,
152    title: str,
153    content: str,
154    recipient_ids: list[str],
155) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
156    """
157    Sends a message to selected recipients.
159    Args:
160        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
161        title (str): The title of the message.
162        content (str): The content of the message.
163        recipient_ids (list[str]): The list of recipient IDs.
165    Returns:
166        Tuple[bool, str]: A tuple indicating whether the message was sent successfully
167        and the result message.
168    """
169    payload = {
170        "filtrUzytkownikow": "0",
171        "idPojemnika": "",
172        "DoKogo": recipient_ids,
173        "Rodzaj": "0",
174        "temat": title,
175        "tresc": content,
176        "poprzednia": "5",
177        "fileStorageIdentifier": "",
178        "wyslij": "Wyślij",
179    }
180    sent_message = no_access_check(
181        BeautifulSoup(, data=payload).text, "lxml")
182    )
183    result = sent_message.select_one("div.container-background > p")
184    if result is None:
185        raise ParseError("Error getting the result of the message!")
186    result = result.text
187    if "nie zostala" in result:
188        return False, result
189    if sent_message.status_code == 200:
190        return True, result
191    return False, result

Sends a message to selected recipients.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests. title (str): The title of the message. content (str): The content of the message. recipient_ids (list[str]): The list of recipient IDs.

Returns: Tuple[bool, str]: A tuple indicating whether the message was sent successfully and the result message.

def unwrap_message_data(tr: bs4.element.Tag) -> str:
194def unwrap_message_data(tr: Tag) -> str:
195    value = tr.select_one("td[class='left']")
196    return value.text if value is not None else ""
def message_content( client: librus_apix.client.Client, content_url: str) -> MessageData:
199def message_content(client: Client, content_url: str) -> MessageData:
200    """
201    Retrieves the content of a message.
203    Args:
204        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
205        content_url (str): The URL of the message content.
207    Returns:
208        MessageData: An object containing the message details.
209    """
210    soup = no_access_check(
211        BeautifulSoup(client.get(client.MESSAGE_URL + "/" + content_url).text, "lxml")
212    )
213    message_data = soup.select_one("table[class='stretch']")
214    if message_data is None:
215        raise ParseError("Error in parsing message data.")
216    trs ="tr")
217    if len(trs) < 3:
218        raise ParseError("Not enough values to unpack from message_data")
219    author, title, date = trs[:3]
220    content = soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "container-message-content"})
221    if content is None:
222        raise ParseError("Error in parsing message content.")
223    return MessageData(
224        unwrap_message_data(author),
225        unwrap_message_data(title),
226        content.text,
227        unwrap_message_data(date),
228    )

Retrieves the content of a message.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests. content_url (str): The URL of the message content.

Returns: MessageData: An object containing the message details.

def parse_sent(message_soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> List[Message]:
237def parse_sent(message_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Message]:
238    """
239    Parses sent messages from the message soup.
241    Args:
242        message_soup (BeautifulSoup): The BeautifulSoup object containing message data.
244    Returns:
245        List[Message]: A list of Message objects representing sent messages.
246    """
247    msgs: List[Message] = []
248    hasAttachment = False
249    soup = message_soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "decorated stretch"})
250    if soup is None:
251        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages.")
252    tbody = soup.find("tbody")
253    if not isinstance(tbody, Tag):
254        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages (tbody).")
255    tds = tbody.find_all("tr", attrs={"class": ["line0", "line1"]})
256    if tds[0].text.strip() == "Brak wiadomości":
257        return []
258    for td in tds:
259        hasAttachment = False
260        message_data: List[Tag] = td.find_all("td")
261        if len(message_data) < 7:
262            raise ParseError("Message data has less than 7 elements")
263        _tick, attachment, author, title, date, unread, _trash = message_data[:7]
264        if attachment.find("img"):
265            hasAttachment = True
266        unread = True if unread == "NIE" else False
267        author_a = author.find("a")
268        href = ""
269        if isinstance(author_a, Tag):
270            href = author_a.attrs.get("href", "")
271            href = _sanitize_href(href)
272        author = author.text
273        title = title.text
274        date = date.text
275        m = Message(author, title, date, href, unread, hasAttachment)
276        msgs.append(m)
277    return msgs

Parses sent messages from the message soup.

Args: message_soup (BeautifulSoup): The BeautifulSoup object containing message data.

Returns: List[Message]: A list of Message objects representing sent messages.

def parse(message_soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> List[Message]:
280def parse(message_soup: BeautifulSoup) -> List[Message]:
281    """
282    Parses received messages from the message soup.
284    Args:
285        message_soup (BeautifulSoup): The BeautifulSoup object containing message data.
287    Returns:
288        List[Message]: A list of Message objects representing received messages.
289    """
290    msgs: List[Message] = []
291    hasAttachment = False
292    soup = message_soup.find("table", attrs={"class": "decorated stretch"})
293    if soup is None:
294        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages.")
295    tbody = soup.find("tbody")
296    if not isinstance(tbody, Tag):
297        raise ParseError("Error in parsing messages (tbody).")
298    tds = tbody.find_all("tr", attrs={"class": ["line0", "line1"]})
299    if tds[0].text.strip() == "Brak wiadomości":
300        return []
301    for td in tds:
302        unread = False
303        hasAttachment = False
304        message_data: List[Tag] = td.find_all("td")
305        if len(message_data) < 6:
306            raise ParseError("Message data has less than 6 elements")
307        _tick, attachment, author, title, date, _trash = message_data[:6]
308        if attachment.find("img"):
309            hasAttachment = True
310        style = title.get("style")
311        if not isinstance(style, List) and not isinstance(style, str):
312            style = []
313        if "font-weight: bold" in style:
314            unread = True
316        author_a = author.find("a")
317        href = ""
318        if isinstance(author_a, Tag):
319            href = author_a.attrs.get("href", "")
320            href = _sanitize_href(href)
322        author = author.text
323        title = title.text
324        date = date.text
325        m = Message(author, title, date, href, unread, hasAttachment)
326        msgs.append(m)
327    return msgs

Parses received messages from the message soup.

Args: message_soup (BeautifulSoup): The BeautifulSoup object containing message data.

Returns: List[Message]: A list of Message objects representing received messages.

def get_max_page_number(client: librus_apix.client.Client) -> int:
330def get_max_page_number(client: Client) -> int:
331    """
332    Retrieves the maximum page number of messages.
334    Args:
335        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
337    Returns:
338        int: The maximum page number.
339    """
340    soup = no_access_check(BeautifulSoup(client.get(client.MESSAGE_URL).text, "lxml"))
341    try:
342        pages = soup.select_one("div.pagination > span")
343        if not pages:
344            return 0
345        max_pages = pages.text.replace("\xa0", "")
346        max_pages_re ="z[0-9]*", max_pages)
347        if max_pages_re is None:
348            return 0
349        max_pages_number = int("z", ""))
350    except:
351        raise ParseError("Error while trying to get max page number.")
352    return max_pages_number - 1

Retrieves the maximum page number of messages.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.

Returns: int: The maximum page number.

def get_received( client: librus_apix.client.Client, page: int) -> List[Message]:
355def get_received(client: Client, page: int) -> List[Message]:
356    """
357    Retrieves received messages from a specific page.
359    Args:
360        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
361        page (int): The page number of messages to retrieve.
363    Returns:
364        List[Message]: A list of received Message objects.
365    """
366    payload = {
367        "numer_strony105": page,
368        "porcjowanie_pojemnik105": "105",
369    }
370    response =, data=payload)
371    soup = no_access_check(BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml"))
372    received_msgs = parse(soup)
373    return received_msgs

Retrieves received messages from a specific page.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests. page (int): The page number of messages to retrieve.

Returns: List[Message]: A list of received Message objects.

def get_sent( client: librus_apix.client.Client, page: int) -> List[Message]:
376def get_sent(client: Client, page: int) -> List[Message]:
377    """
378    Retrieves sent messages from a specific page.
380    Args:
381        client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests.
382        page (int): The page number of messages to retrieve.
384    Returns:
385        List[Message]: A list of sent Message objects.
386    """
387    payload = {
388        "numer_strony105": page,
389        "porcjowanie_pojemnik105": "105",
390    }
391    response =, data=payload)
392    soup = no_access_check(BeautifulSoup(response.text, "lxml"))
393    received_msgs = parse_sent(soup)
394    return received_msgs

Retrieves sent messages from a specific page.

Args: client (Client): The client object for making HTTP requests. page (int): The page number of messages to retrieve.

Returns: List[Message]: A list of sent Message objects.